Drei Winner stand for friendship, the Region Rheinhessen and a common passion for wine.
The wine and
the rooting
Rheinhessen has been perceived as the most interesting and innovative German winegrowing region for some years past. Since then the region experienced a great upswing.
Especially the new generation of quality orientated Winemakers contributed significantly to increase the standing of Rheinhessen wines. Jochen Dreissigacker, Stefan Winter and Philipp Wittmann are part of this new generation, they imprinted the Region mainly with the innovative work in their estates.
Together those three united as the “Drei Winner” to be able to enable the availability of their wines for wider audiences. Jochen Dreissigacker, Stefan Winter and Philipp Wittmann attatch great value to the careful vineyard management and cautious vinification. In cooperation with their contracting winemakers, the “Drei Winner” cultivate vineyards in the southern part of Rheinhessen. Their goal is to create wines that can be seen as real trademarks for the Region.
The special climatic conditions in the Rheinvalley and the fertile soils with different minerals build the outstanding fundament for fruity, ripe wines with a great pleasure to drink.
Our wines are deep rooted in the Region Rheinhessen and influenced through our own values.

Deep Roots
Deeply rooted in their homeland, cosmopolitan and adventurous, that describes the new generation of winemakers in the winegrowing region Rheinhessen.
Together the “Drei Winner” create a fresh and dry Riesling wine with fine fruit flavours, that remind you of peach, grapefruit and apricot.
They attatch great value to the careful vineyard management and cautious vinification. Their goal is to create wines that can be seen as real trademarks for the Region.
Rheinhessen is nowadays the most interesting and innovative German winegrowing region, here the conditions for winemaking are enormous. The special climatic conditions in the Rheinvalley and the fertile soils with different minerals build the outstanding fundament for fruity, ripe wines with a great pleasure to drink.
Stefan Winter took the leading role for our wine range GLASKLAR.
GLASKLAR is a blend of high quality varieties which underlines the characteristic of Rheinhessen’s fine fruit, freshness and juiciness. Aromas of pear, banana and nuances of yellow blossom. Very pleasant and juicy on the palate. For warmer months we gladly recommend our fine sparkling wine which offers a great drinking pleasure.